The East Harris Chambers Liberty County Alumnae Chapter offer programs that were established to be in support of our National program initiatives. As a chapter, we are committed to making a difference in the communities in which we serve by implementing programs and projects that are based upon our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust.
Economic Development​
​National economic trends, such as unstable employment, the threat to Social Security as we know it, and the widening gap between wealth and poverty are the basis for the development of Financial Fortitude, the current Economic Development program initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Financial Fortitude is a process that will help program participants to set and define goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and put the plan into action. The process serves as a blueprint to address all aspects of personal finances.
The Financial Fortitude initiative is comprised of ten components and provides a collaboration of information from major economic corporations and other well-known financial institutions. The ten components include Goal Setting, Financial Planning, Budgeting, Debt Management, Savings & Investments, Retirement Planning, Homeownership, Insurance, Estate Planning, and Entrepreneurship.
The initiative helps members of the Sorority spread financial education throughout their local communities.
EHCLCAC current financial initiative is the 52-week Savings Challenge
The challenge encourages you on the first week to deposit $1 and increase the dollar amount saved each week. At the end of the 52 weeks, your total amount saved will be $1,378.
Educational Development
EHCLCAC Scholarship
Back to School Supply Drive
International Awareness and Involvement
Haiti Pen Pal Project
Worlds AIDS Day
Melody's House - St. James Parish Jamaica
During the 2019-2020 sorority year we collected feminine hygiene products that were distributed to young girls housed at “Melody’s House,” a group home located in St. James Parish, Jamaica.
Physical and Mental Health
Health and Wellness​
R.E.D. Shoe Challenge was held from November 1, 2019, and ended February 29, 2020. Members of the chapter participated in a team format and counted steps take during that period. We had seven teams formed with approximately 38 Sorors participating with over 26 million steps counted.
Healthy Living is a Battlefield -Community Health Fair sponsored by East Harris Chambers Liberty County Alumnae Chapter in partnership with Barrett Station Drexel Society. The Health Fair- consisted of 28 vendors from 15 organizations. Services included glucose testing, blood pressure checks, HIV/STI testing, dental education, and services. Other vendors presented included personal training, family planning, mental wellness, air pollution, and lead education.
Political Awareness and Involvement
Delta Days at The Nations Capital​​
2020 Census
Social Action
In March of 1913, nearly six weeks after its founding, several Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Founders marched in the historic Suffragist March under the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. banner, the Sorority's first public act. Today, low voter turnout statistics highlight the need to continue to identify ways to include opportunities for all citizens to exercise their voting power. Each of Delta’s programmatic initiatives has an advocacy component that is implemented under the auspices of social action when it is appropriate or necessary to do so. Under the auspices of the National Social Action Commission, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. continues to institute activities that foster:
Sponsoring Voter Registration and voter education programs
Combating Voter Suppression
The full restoration of voting rights for individuals who have paid their debt to society (ex-offenders)
Affordable Health Care and access to quality health care
Financial Literacy and Economic Empowerment
Support for HBCU
Political Awareness and Involvement
Gender Equality
Racial Profiling