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Delta D.E.A.R.S

Soror Joann Ross, Chair
Soror Paula Settles, Co-Chair
Soror Jackie Jean Pierre, Second Vice President
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Meet the Delta D.E.A.R.S

Dedicated Energetic Active Respected Sorors (DEARS) who are sixty-two years of age and older.  They share a great wealth of knowledge and history. East HCLC Delta D.E.A.R.S are strong examples of public service, leadership, compassion and dedication. With appreciation for the many years of dedication and service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. we honor them, we embrace their awesome legacy, and the shoulders for which we stand.

D.E.A.R.S in Action

This website is the sole property and responsibility of the East Harris Chambers Liberty County Alumnae Chapter of​ Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated |  All rights reserved.


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